Alzheimer Society of Ottawa Renfrew

Five Million Steps for Alzheimer’s


Two Ottawa area women will attempt to hike the entire Appalachian Trail between March and September this year. They have a dual goal – to achieve personal satisfaction, and to help raise much-needed funds for the Alzheimer Society.

imageRanked by CNN in the Top 10 of the world’s long-distance trails, the Trail is 3,510 kilometres (2,180 miles) long – or 5 million steps. From its start on Mount Springer, Georgia, the Trail traverses 14 states to end on Mount Katahdin, Maine. The total elevation gain of hiking the entire Trail is equivalent to climbing Mount Everest 16 times!

Of the thousands of ‘thru-hikers’ who attempt the complete hike in one season, fewer than 20% actually complete it. So what would induce two youngish, senior women to hike the Appalachian Trail this year?

 “My love of mountains began when I attended a Girl Guide mountaineering camp in Alberta when I was 15,” says Anda Bruinsma. “My reward is the immense personal satisfaction I get from achieving a difficult goal. I’ll be 58 a month after we start the hike. What an amazing adventure this will be!”

“I’m happiest when playing outside,” says Arlene Gregoire. “I’ve decided to thru-hike the Appalachian Trail as a way of disengaging from the fast-paced and demanding career I had with the City of Ottawa. Getting back to nature and slowing down will help me transition between work and my next phase of life:  retirement.”

Both women are seasoned hikers with many international, rugged hikes in their background. But both are motivated by another important goal: to raise much-needed funds for the Alzheimer Society.

Capture“Our hike will be really tough and painful at times. So we’ll take that on, if others will help to pay by donating to a really important cause!” laughs Anda. “My dear mother suffered from dementia before she died and this hike will honour her memory as we raise funds for research, and to support people in our community who are living with dementia.

That’s why we’re calling it “A Walk to Remember”, because it will be just that, in many ways!”

Anda and Arlene’s determination to complete the Appalachian Trail is matched by their determination to raise lots of money for the Alzheimer Society. Putting their playful sense of humour to work, they’ve set their goal at $218,920 – $100 dollars for every mile of the Trail.

“Why not set a stretch goal?” asks Arlene. “We want to go big, or go home!”

Anyone wishing to support their Appalachian adventure with a donation can do so by clicking the “Please Donate” button below, or by calling the Alzheimer Society of Ottawa and Renfrew County at 613 523 4004.


To follow their amazing journey, go to:

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Aug 25, 2015  |  Vote 0    0

Cumberland woman finds “trail magic” on Appalachian hike